Matthew Snedker (@MatthewSnedker), a14 year Green Party Councillor, tells us why he became a councillor, and how he persuaded Darlington Council to do the right thing on Active Travel, and gives us mere mortals some brilliant tips on how w
Councillor Rachel Tripp (@rectripp) shares her fantastic experience of supporting the introduction of low traffic neighbourhoods in Newham, London. With some great insights into how to talk to the undecided, what works, and what doesn't.
Cllr Adam Clarke - Leicester Deputy Mayor / Environment & Transportation lead - discussing the challenges of trying to introduce a workplace parking levy.
Councillor Emily Kerr and Robin Tucker, chair of the Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel (CoHSAT) in Oxfordshire share a detailed look at the vision, opportunities and challenges in Oxford - which is undertaking a significant programme of positiv